Urban Design 
工學院  建築與城鄉研究所  
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狹義的說,都市設計聚焦於都市形式的創造、改造、保育、與經營,關心的主體是都市的實質空間及生活環境;但真正使用都市空間、並由生活經驗累積都市意義的是人 ─ 變異性、差異性、流動性都極大的個人與社群。為了同時兼顧都市人的空間想像與需求及真實環境的營造課題,都市設計因而必須是一整合性的跨領域學問及一套可操作的工具。但現代城市究竟是缺乏設計或過度設計,或都市設計工具究竟是刺激想像或抹煞建築創意,仍存在著極大的爭議性。


新形式的開創與設計經常被強調,但除了新市鎮開發及夷平式的都市更新外,大多數都市形式都依附在既有的空間脈絡及地域特色上;掌握都市的歷史人文涵構與自然環境特質,因而是都市設計過程中關鍵性的環節 ─ 特別在將歷史視為消費品、永續當作口號喊的後現代城市,如何處理保育、改造、活化、生態、經營管理等面向的複雜議題,且在執行層面找到使力的方向、落實的方法、及具有法源的行政機制,是都市設計作為一專業最具挑戰的部分。



1. 修課學生必須於課前閱讀指定之教材內容,並至少由一組人做成摘要報告,作為每堂課討論之引言。
2. 每星期的前兩堂課為演講及理論探討,第三堂課則針對案例與實務進行比較性分析(與該星期理論內容配合尤佳)。修課學生需挑選一都市設計(國內外皆可)或城鄉風貌案例為對象,針對其過程與結果提出分析或批評,除製作一powerpoint檔案外,並需完成一份該案例分析評論報告。
3. 參與至少一次台北市都市設計審議過程(課外時間另作安排),並對該過程進行評估。
4. 期中階段,需完成一份指定或選擇基地之「都市切片」(urban transect)分析,以作為下階段都市設計提案的準備。
5. 期末,每組請依課程中討論之理論內容,擬出指定基地之細部計劃與都市設計管制/獎勵/建議性準則,部分內容並須以圖解或模型示之。 
Office Hours
1. Discourses about urban design profession and education
Lynch, Kevin. 1990. City Design: What It Is and How It Might Be Taught, from City Sense and City Design. Ed. by Tridib Banerjee and Michael Southworth. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Lynch, Kevin. 1990. Urban Design, from City Sense and City Design. Ed. by Tridib Banerjee and Michael Southworth. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Moudon, Anne Vernez. 1992. A Catholic Approach to Organizing What Urban Designers Should Know, Journal of Planning Literature vol. 6(4), pp. 331-49.
Lozano, Eduardo E. 1990. Community Design and the Culture of Cities, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Chapter 2: Tradition in Community Design]
Koolhaas, Rem. 1978, Delirious New York: a Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, New York: Oxford University Press.

2. Urban design theories
Caetells, Manuel. 1983, The Process of Urban Social Change, in The City and the Grassroots. Edward Arnold, London. pp. 301-305.
Batchelor, Peter, and David Lewis. 1985. Urban Design in Action. Raleigh, North Carolina: NCSU Student Publication of the School of Design. [Chapter 1.]
Lang, Jon. 1994, Urban Design: The American Experience, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. [Introduction]
Alexander, Christopher, and Artemis Anninou, Hansjoachim Neis. 1987. A New Theory of Urban Design. New York: Oxford University Press.
Trancik, Roger. 1986. Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

3. History of urban form
Blumenfeld, Hans. 1967. The Modern Metropolis: Its Origins, Growth, Characteristics, and Planning. Ed. by Paul D. Spreiregen. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press. [Chapter I.]
Kostof, Spiro. 1991. The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History. Boston, Toronto, London: A Bulfinch Press Book. [Introduction]
Morris, A.E.J. 1972. History of Urban Form - Prehistory to the Renaissance. London: George Godwin Ltd.

4. Architectural typology and urban morphology
Lozano, Eduardo E. 1990, Community Design and the Culture of Cities, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Chapter 10: Morphology]
Wu, Jin. 1993, The Historical Development of Chinese Urban Morphology, in Planning Perspectives, 8, pp. 20-52.
Rossi, Aldo. 1966/1982. The Architecture of the City. Trans. Diane Ghirardo and Joan Ockman. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
King, Anthony D. 1994, Terminologies and Types: Making Sense of Some Types of Dwellings and Cities, in Karen A. Franck and Lynda H. Schneekloth ed. Ordering Space: Types in Architecture and Design, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. Chapter 7.
Krier, Rob. 1979, Typological and Morphological Elements of the Concept of Urban Space, in Urban Space. New York: Rizzoli.
Lawrence, Roderick J. 1994, Type as Analytical Tool: Reinterpretation and Application, in Karen A. Franck and Lynda H. Schneekloth ed. Ordering Space: Types in Architecture and Design, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. Chapter 15.

5. Urban conservation and historical preservation
Appleyard, Donald. 1979. ed. The Conservation of European Cities, Boston: The MIT Press. [Introduction]
Brolin, Brent C. 1980, Architecture in Context: Fitting New Buildings with Old, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. [Conclusion and Appendix A]
National Trust for Historic Preservation. 1980, Old and New Architecture: Design Relationship, Washington D.C.: The Preservation Press. [Part III (Relating Old and New Architecture: Four Approaches) and Part IV: (Regulating Relationships through Design Review)]
Fitch, James Marston. 1998. Historical Preservation –Curatorial Management of the Built World, Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia. [Chapter 3,4,5,6,8,9,15,16]

6. Behavior studies in urban design
Goldsteen Joel B. & Cecil D. Elliott. 1994, Designing America: Creating Urban Identity, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. [Chapter 4(Reacting to Spaces – the Psychology of Perception and Behavior)]
Brill Michael, 1989, Transformation, Nostalgia, and Illusion in Public Life and Public Place, in Irwin Altman and Ervin H. Zube ed. Public Places and Spaces, N.Y. and London: Plenum Press. [Chapter 1.]
Nasar, Jack C. 1989, Perception, Cognition, and Evaluation of Urban Places, in Irwin Altman and Ervin H. Zube ed. Public Places and Spaces, N.Y. and London: Plenum Press. [Chapter 2.]
Lang, Jon. 1994, Urban Design: The American Experience, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. [Chapter 9.]

7. New towns, new urbanism, eco-city, and landscape urbanism
*Broadbent, Geoffrey, 1990, ‘Chapter 8: Neo-Rationalists,’ from Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
*Christensen, Carol A. 1986, ‘Chapter 8: New Towns as Social Movement,’ from The American Garden City and the New Towns Movement, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press.
*Bressi, Todd W., 1993, ‘Planning the American Dream,’ from The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community, ed. Katz, Peter and Vincent, Jr. Scully, McGraw-Hill Inc.
*Harvey, David. 1997, ‘The New Urbanism and the Communitarian Trap’ from Harvard Design Magazine, Winter/Spring, Number 1.
Hester Jr., Randolph T. 1990, The Sacred Structure in Small Towns: A Return to Manteo, North Carolina, from Small Town, Jan.-Feb. pp. 4-22.
Calthorpe, Peter. 1993, The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community, and the American Dream, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press. [Guidelines.]
*Lang, Jon. 1994, ‘Meeting the Needs of the Biogenic Environment,’ from Urban Design: The American Experience, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
*Spirn, Anne Whiston. 1985, ‘Part III: Earth’ & ‘Part IV: Water,’ form The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design, N.Y.: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers.
*Newman, Peter, and John Kenworthy, 1999, ‘Summary and Conclusions,’ from Sustainability and Cities, Washington D.C.: Island Press.
*Hall, Peter, 2003, ‘Smart Growth on two Continents,’ from Urban Villages and the Making of Communities ed. by Peter Neal, London and New York: Spon Press.
Neal, Peter, 2003, ‘An Urban Village Primer,’ from Urban Villages and the Making of Communities ed. by Peter Neal, London and New York: Spon Press.
Van der Ryan, Sim, and Stuart Cowan, 1995, ‘An Introduction to Ecological Design,’ from Ecological Design, Washington D. C.: Island Press.
Solari, Paolo, 1969, ‘Arcology: the City in the Image of Man’ and ‘The Characteristics of Arcology,’ from Arcology: the City in the Image of Man, Boston: MIT Press.
Hough, Michael. 2004, Cities and Natural Process: a Basis for Sustainability, 2nd edition, New York: Routledge.

8. City life, heterogeneity, urban landscapes of everyday-life, informal urbanism
*Simmel, Georg, 1903, ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life,’ from Rethinking Architecture ed. by Neil Leach, London: Routledge.
*Jacobs, Jane, 1992 (renewed from the 1961 version), ‘the Peculiar Nature of Cities’ and ‘The Conditions for City Diversity,’ from The Death and Life of Great American Cities, New York: Vintage Books.(中文譯本:偉大城市的誕生與死亡,吳鄭重譯,聯經出版)
*Rowe, Peter, 1997, ‘Individual Spaces and Collective Places,’ from Civic Realism, London, England and Cambridge Mass.: The MIT Press.
*Oldenburg, Ray, 1999, ‘The Characters of Third Places,’ from The Great Good Places, New York: Marlowe & Company.
Ellin, Nan, 1996, ‘Themes of Postmodern Urbanism,’ from Postmodern Urbanism, Oxford, UK & Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
De Certeau, Michel. 1984, The Practice of Everyday Life, translated by Steven Rendall, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Koolhaas, Rem. 1994, “The Generic City,” from Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large by Rem Koolhaas and Bruce Mau, edited by Jennifer Sigler, Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.
*Clay, Grady, 1994, ‘The Center, the Front, & Out There,’ from Real Places: An Unconventional Guide to America’s Generic Landscapes, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
*Crawford, Margaret, 2008, ‘Introduction and Preface: The Current State of Everyday Urbanism,’ from Everyday Urbanism, New York: The Monacelli Press.
*Jacobs, Steven. 2002, “Shreds of Boring Postcards: Towards a Posturban Aesthetics of the Generic and the Everyday,” from Post, Ex, Sub, Dis: Urban Fragmentations and Constructions, edited by the Ghent Urban Studies Team, Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.
*Sassen, Saskia. 2005, “Fragmented Urban Topographies and Their Underlying Interconnections,” from Informal City: Caracas Case by Alfredo Brillembourg, Kristin Feireiss, and Hubert Klumpner, Munich, Berlin, London, New York: Prestel Verlag.
*Wright, Gwendolyn. 2005, “Informal Cities, Multiple Realities,” from Informal City: Caracas Case by Alfredo Brillembourg, Kristin Feireiss, and Hubert Klumpner, Munich, Berlin, London, New York: Prestel Verlag.
Walljapser, Jay, and Project for Public Places. 2007, The Great Neighborhood Book: a Do-It-Yourself Guide to Placemaking, New Society Press.
Columbia University Urban Design Program. 2005, New Urbanism 6: Caracas Litoral, Venezuela, edited by Richard Plunz, Michael Conard, Mojdeh Baratloo, Ignacio Lamar, Eric Brewer, New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

9. Urban design processes and politics
Castells, Manuel. 1983, The Process of Urban Social Change, in The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movement. London: Edward Arnold.
*Lang, Jon. 1994, Urban Design: The American Experience, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. [Chapter 24.]
*Carmona, Matthew, Tim Heath, Taner Oc and Steven Tiesdell. 2003, Implementing Urban Design, in Public Places - Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design, Oxford: Architectural Press.
*Barnett, Jonathan. 1974, Urban Design as Public Policy: Practical Methods for Improving Cities, New York: Architectural Record Books.(可閱讀尚林出版社中譯本,含同作者所著之都市設計概論–An Introduction to Urban Design創興出版社譯本)
*林欽榮. 1995, 都市設計在台灣, 台北:創興出版社. [搭配閱讀:林欽榮. 2006, 城市空間治理的創新策略(三個台灣首都城市案例評析:台北.新竹.高雄), 台北:新自然主義.]
Sorkin, Michael. 1993. Local Code: The Constitution of a City at 420 N Latitude. Princeton Architectural Press.
Seattle Planning Department. 1994, The Mayor’s Recommended Comprehensive Plan.
*Deutsche, Rosalyn. 1996, Tilted Arc and the Uses of Democracy in R. Deutsche ed. Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
*Bondi, Liz. 1992, Gender Symbols and Urban Landscapes, in Progress in Human Geography, 16(2), pp. 157-70.
*Hayden, Dolores. 1985, What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design, and Human Work, Ekistics, 52(310), pp. 99-107.
*Smith, Harry. 2005, Place Identity and Participation, in Place Identity, Participation and Planning, ed. Cliff Hague and Paul Jenkins, London and New York: Routledge.

10. Design of urban public spaces + landscape urbanism
*Madanipour, A. 1999, Why are the Design and Development of Public Spaces Significant for Cities? In Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 26(6).
*Rudin, Barbara. 1979, Aesthetic Ideology and Urban Design, in Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 69(3).
*Carmona, Matthew, Tim Heath, Taner Oc and Steven Tiesdell. 2003, The Visual Dimension & the Temporal Dimension, in Public Places - Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design, Oxford: Architectural Press.
*Moore, Robin C. 1991, Streets as Playground, in Public Streets for Public Use ed. Anne Vernez Moudon, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
*Jacobs, Allan B. 1993, Great Streets, (Introduction, Chapter 1, 2, 3) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Lynch, Kevin. 1984, A Theory of Good City Form, in Good City Form, Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press.
*Frampton, Kenneth. 1983, Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance, in The Anti-Aesthtic: Essays on Postmodern Culture, ed. Hal Foster. Port Townsend, Washington: Bay Press.
*Smith, Peter Cookson, 2006, The Urban Design of Impermanence: Streets, Places, and Spaces in Hong Kong. MCCM Creations.
*Corner, James. 2006, Terra Fluxus, in The Landscape Urbanism Reader, ed. Charles Waldheim, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press.
*Waldheim, Charles, 2006, Landscape as Urbanism, in The Landscape Urbanism Reader, ed. Charles Waldheim, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press.
*Shane, Grahame, 2006, The Emergence of Landscape Urbanism, in The Landscape Urbanism Reader, ed. Charles Waldheim, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press.
Dean, Almy. 2007, Center 14, On Landscape Urbanism, Austin, Texas: Center for American Architecture and Design. 
2/21  Discourses about urban design profession and education 「都市設計專業」緣起及其存在必要性之爭辯 
2/28  Urban design theories and philosophy behind urban design theories都市設計者需要瞭解的知識 ─ 一個跨領域的理論架構 
3/07  History and paradigms of urban form 都市形式史及都市範型 
3/14  Architectural typology and urban morphology建築類型學與都市型態學  
3/21  Urban conservation and historical preservation都市保育/歷史保存/歷史街區再造的機制與工具  
3/28  New towns and “new urbanism”新市鎮開發與新都市主義  
4/04  Urban design vs. town planning ─ ‘garden city’ revisited 城鄉風貌、地域風格、與社會理想 ─ 重返花園城市  
4/11  Landscape of everyday life and community planning(practice of everyday life) vs. informal urbanism/compact urbanism都市生活地景的維繫與再造 ─ 生活場景作為都市設計與社區規劃的環節,非正式與密集都市主義  
4/18  Design for urban public spaces由都市設計(價值觀與美學)看街道/公共空間景觀設計與營造  
4/25  Environmental aesthetics and public arts都市情境中的環境美學與公共藝術  
5/02  Landscape Urbanism 地景都市主義  
5/09  Cities and ecology以都市設計工具經營「生態城市」的理念  
5/16  Behavior studies in urban design強調空間行為研究的都市設計方法  
5/23  The functional city都市設計作為都市功能的支持系統  
5/30  Urban design processes and the temporal dimension of urban form making強調都市開發/保育協商過程與實務行政程序的都市設計觀  
6/06  Urban design guidelines私人開發及公部門管制 ─ 都市設計審議制度之管制準則及獎勵條例  
6/13  Narrative dimension of urban design都市設計中的敘事景深